>... The argument that Marx anticipated Stalinism is completely a 
>historical statement, made out of context, which pays attention to "ideas" 
>rather than to circumstances of Stalin's Russia. Projecting Marx onto 
>Stalin or vice versa is an idealist reading of
>history. Ideas should be judged vis a vis circumstances, not circumstances 
>vis a vis ideas, especially in Marxian praxis (Reread Gramsci)!

I did NOT blame Marx for Stalin. You misread what I wrote. Rather, I was 
saying that Marx had some understanding of the problem of Stalinism.

> >Also needed is proletarian power.
>What a charming invitation! If you really trusted proleterian power, you 
>would try to understand, or at least appreciate, the circumstances and 
>social forces of Vietnamese revolution instead of saying that it was not a 
>revolution in Marxist sense.

this simply repeats something that Louis and I have already discussed and I 
have no intention to repeat that discussion. He and I attach different 
meanings to the word "proletarian."

>This way of thinking reminds me of bourgeois Kautsky who did not expect a 
>revolution in Russia because Russia was economically "backward", or the 
>circumstances were not yet ready. ("so let's postpone "mass democracy" 
>folks! because the "masses" are still "immature" kind of ELITIST way of 

ditto: Louis and I had a discussion about this. You misunderstand what I 
wrote. I'm in favor of "mass democracy" (except if that's simply a slogan 
which has some other meaning).

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://liberalarts.lmu.edu/~JDevine

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