I did *not* say that P meant that her scenario should be followed. we are
moving away from the subejct matter of the discussion!

I have to run to finish my term paper, sorry!!


---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 13:24:32
-0400 From: Rod Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To:
[PEN-L:19117] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE: Genderization (fwd) 

George Orwell wrote about a future society in 1984. Aldous Huxley wrote about a future 
society in Brave New World, Margaret Atwood wrote about a future society in Handmaid's 
Tale, Ursula LeGuin wrote about a future society in the Dispossed. I don't thing that 
any one of them were suggesting that the scenarios that they outlined "should" be 
followed. What evidence is there that Piercy says that her scenario "should" be 



> Justin,
> my reaading of P is based on her novel _Women On the Edge of Time_. I gave
> my interpretation of her feminism based on this specific document, so her
> poetry is not relevant to the issue here since I DID NOT comment on her
> poetry. You say I have provided no evidence to my claims.  If you
> carefully read my post, I DID. P "herself" says in her utopia that men
> should be biologically altered to feed babies to develop an
> ethics of femininity. Since my understanding of feminism has NOTHING to do
> with feeding babies (which is the traditional role I REJECT, BUT
> which P naturalizes and romanticizes),I articulated my criticism on this
> ground.
> merci,
> Mine
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 10:29:27
> -0400 (EDT)  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [PEN-L:19098] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RE:
> Genderization (fwd)  Carroll, I do not label Mine a Marxist, nor do I
> think that if I or anyone did so characterize her that that would mean
> that her views did not matter. Whether or not Mine or Piercy or you or I
> adopts a certain label is not the issue. The issue is whether our views
> are credible, defenisble, and useful. Carroll apparently has concluded
> that I am not a Marxist, and therefore my views are of no account. Please
> note that I do not subscribe to this characterization either. I do not
> think that labelling oneself in this manner serves any useful function. It
> would not tell Carroll anything concrete if I said I was a Marxist,
> because it would not tell him whether I believed the things he things are
> most important.
> Now, as to the question whether Piercy holds the view that biological 
>characteristics determine gender behavior without social intermedaition, or however 
>Mine wanted to characterize the view she ascibed to P. Since Mine offers no 
>poarticular evidence that P holds such a view, it is hard to know on what basis she 
>thinks P holds it. it is somewhat hard to tell anyway. P is a novelist and poet. She 
>has written some political theory, or polemics along time ago, mainly against male 
>exploitation of women during the antiwar movement, including the classic essay the 
>grand Coolie Damn, but unlike you or me, she does not normally write her views down 
>as political propositions intended to be directly evaluated.
> I have, however, read virtually all of P's novels and most of her poetry. I see 
>nothing in her works that would tend to support an attribution of any sort of 
>biological determinism to P. She does portray women and womemn as different in 
>various ways, but she is careful to show some women as socialized into subordinate 
>roles, as she shows other breaking free of them in various ways. The book on the 
>French revolution is a lovely exploration of a whole range of behavior from utterly 
>absed to very radical. She also portrays men in a similar range. She shows lesbian 
>relationships as positive, for eaxmple in her WWII book, but has favorable portraits 
>of heterosexual relations, such as that in He She & It of the matriach of her New 
>England kibbutz or commune with Yod, the very male animotronic robot hero. On my 
>reading, i conclude taht she does not accept the view Mine says she holds.
> --jks
> In a message dated Tue, 16 May 2000 10:13:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Carrol Cox 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> << I agree that labels are the question. But the label "labels" is
> not the question either. That is, labelling Piercy "non-marxist"
> does not prove her wrong. Equally, labelling Mine a labeller
> does not prove her wrong. For example, Mine writes, "The big
>  problem with her argument is that she assumes "gender inequality"
> stems  from "biological inequality."  Question: Is that a false
> interpretation of Piercy? If it is a correct interpretation, then we
> don't need any "label" of Piercy to believe that she is wrong.
> Justin then asserts, "Does P hold the views you ascribe to her?
> I don't thonk so." Well, why? Mine has offered her interpretation,
> and that interpretation stands until someone who has read
> Piercy can offer another one. Justin doesn't do that. He just
> labels Mine a Marxist, meaning someone whose opinions
> don't matter.
> To repeat: I agree with Justin that labels should be kept out of
> it -- and Mine's argument would have been better had she left
> out the labels. But then Justin labels Mine, but unlike her he
> doesn't offer any other arguments except a label.
> So far the score is Justin -1 + 0. Mine's score is -1 + 1. She
> wins, zero to minus 1.
> Carrol
> > Maybe you better read some Marge Piercy and cure your ignorance of her work.
> > She is one of the premier literary figures on the left, tio whose novels and
> > poetry,a nd, yes, political writing, several generations of leftists owe a
> > lot. I also get tired of line-drawing ("She's not an Marxist Feminist," so
> > not on ythe left, so beyond the pale). It's one reason I gave up on labels of
> > thsi sort. Does P hold the views you ascribe to her? I don't thonk so. Has
> > she fought the good fight for almost 40 years? You better believe it. --jks
> >
> > In a message dated 5/16/00 5:18:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << Marge Piercy is not a Marxist feminist. Thus, it is
> >  difficult for me to understand what her relevance to leftism is, because
> >  she evidently suffers from biological essentialism. Feminists like Marge
> >  Piercy belongs to what we know as radical feminist tradition. The big
> >  problem with her argument is that she assumes "gender inequality" stems
> >  from "biological inequality", the type of argument proposed by Schulamit
> >  Firestone in the 70s in the _Dialectics of Sex_. Since she sees the
> >  problem in the biology, but not in the gendered system, she offers
> >  "biological alteration" as a form of "cultural solution" to inequality
> >  problem--the problem which does not originate in biology to begin with
> >  (men and women may be biologically different but not unequal!!!). so she
> >  effectively perpetuates the sexist biological discourses.. Piercy is also
> >  naive to expect technology to liberate women or socialize men into
> >  feminine practices.
> >
> >  We (socialist feminists) want MEN to feed babies not because they should
> >  be "biologically recreated" to do so (since the problem is NOT in the
> >  biology), but because it is "desirable" that men and women share mothering
> >  equally!! Mothering is a social function, it does not lie in women's
> >  biological disposition. I refuse Marge Piercy type of feminist
> >  discource that idealizes and radicalizes motherhood as a form of new
> >  intimacy!! >>
>  >>

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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