Trevor Evans now appears to hold the position that, for Marx, the
market interest rate fluctuates around an average level which
is determined by, "amongst other things, . the relative strength
of industrial capital and financial capital, institutional 
factors and even convention." Can we thus conclude that Trevor
Evans has retreated from his earlier position that "the interest
rate is determined by the relative balance of supply and demand
in the market for money capital"?

Gil Skillman has provided us with "the key passage" concerning
this issue.  I like that.  Whan sifting through a mass of
fragments that Engels admitted to not knowing how to make
sense of, how does Gil Skillman identify the key passages?
And how do we interpret these key passages?  That is to say,
according to your reading Gil, when supply and demand are equal,
what factors determine the (average) level of the interest rate?

Edwin Dickens

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