
Your post was truncated to be kind to you.  Keeping China out of the WTO
has little to do with creating a new or improved trade regime, much less
promoting progressive politics in the U.S. or international solidarity.
And this is my reward -- more insults!  I have posted your rhymes on and will forward the experts feedback and perhaps a
contract for a new cd.  RAP by MBS. 

As to defending my honor from these slurs 

1. Ordinarily I would not mind people misspelling my name but as head of a
new trade organization it must be done right: Sir Marty Hart-Landsberg.

2. I am for managed trade, capital controls, etc.  I do not have a
complete trade regime to present.  That is what secret green room meetings
are to determine; and I now withdraw my invitation to you to participate.
However, I do not see that as a serious problem for the moment.  It
certainly does not keep me from recognizing that the issue of China in the
WTO is a distraction from doing two things: reshaping the international
trade regime and building a radicalized working class movement in the U.S.

3. The WTO is a serious problem, so is the IMF and WB. The fact that
people are working on these problems is not sufficient.  We need to give
them the priority over the China question.  Getting rid of the IMF and WB
would do more to transform the international trading regime then keeping
China out of the WTO.  Focusign on the China question creates confusion as
to the nature of the movement we are or should be trying to build.

4.  Finally, the question of a new trade regime -- by which I take it you
mean a new worked out WTO or MTO -- is secondary to building real poltical
movements that are anti-capitalist in their orientation.  Only with such
movements can we really challenge the existing regime.  Again, that does
not keep me from seeing the value of supporting debt cancellation, capital
controls, resisting the WTO and MAI, etc.  

5.  And finally, finally, I concede to your superior rhyme making. Your
invitation is reextended.  

Sir MHL.

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Max Sawicky wrote:

> Given your truncation of my post and your avoidance
> of my question, the slogans right now would be:
> Marty Landsburg, you can't hide;
> A trade regime you must decide.
> or how about,
> Hey hey, ho ho
> Red free trade has got to go.
> and then there's always
> Professors'
> evasions
> must never be conceded.
> stop me before I rhyme again,
> mbs
> This could be interesting.  And exactly what slogans would you be shouting
> as part of this group? Marty
> > > But I do pledge that as head of the MTO, the headquarters will be moved
> > > from Geneva to Portland, and you can all come to the first session as my
> > > honored guests.  Even Max.  > Marty
> >
> > But w/your policies I might have to join the Black Bloc
> > and jam the meeting.
> >
> > max
> >

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