On April 8-9, Central Arizona Jobs With Justice will be sponsoring
"A Teach-In With the Labor Movement" at Arizona State
University in Tempe. The teach-in will be modeled after the
successful teach-in held at Columbia University last fall.

Linda Chavez-Thompson, executive vice president of
the national AFL-CIO, will be the keynote speaker. She is the
first Chicana (or person of color) to be a national officer
of the AFL-CIO. She was elected as part of the new reform leadership
of the AFL-CIO in 1995. Chavez-Thompson is from Texas and
organized thousands of Texas workers into the public employees
union AFSCME.

MECHA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) at ASU
will be co-sponsoring.

A teach-in planning committee is in formation.  Phoenix area
students, faculty and labor activists are needed to help plan
the teach-in.  The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for
Friday, Jan. 31 at 2:30pm (place to be announced -- it will be on
the ASU campus).

The overall theme of the teach-in will be organizing in
the Southwest, especially among Hispanics, women, and
immigrants, and organizing youth to be the next generation
of labor activists.  Fighting for the rights of workers and
combating sexism and racism in the workplace will also be

Suggestions for panel ideas and potential speakers
(Arizona residents preferred) are welcomed.
E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jobs With Justice is a labor-community coalition supported
by the AFL-CIO.

-Andy English
Central Arizona Jobs With Justice

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