Shagwi writes;

>First, Modern Communism is the most unexplored subject internationally as 
>far as the "mainstream" is concerned.  The official circles in most 
>countries write about Modern Communism and the Communist Party in a 
>manner which bears no resemblance to what they really are.  Modern 
>Communism is based in the struggle of the present period to find the 
>way forward, to open the door to the progress of society.  Imperialism 
>and the reactionary bourgeoisie, on the contrary and expressing their 
>total bankruptcy, have declared that liberal democracy is the ultimate 
>and final social system that human beings will ever create.  Communists 
>cannot but condemn such a reactionary outlook.  Social systems come into 
>being and pass away like everything else.  The capitalist system is not 
>immune to this law of development and will certainly give way to 

What do you mean? This sounds a bit empirical at best. More like the law of 
nature then a concious handling by a concious Proletariat to make its own 
destiny. Naturally it will take more then some sort of "law of development" 
in order to get rid of the present decadent system. It will have to be 
overthrown, smashed, and a new created on the ruins of the old, more then 
likely through a whole historical period of transitional societies. I mean 
we are not talking about a normal pregnancy, but the birth of a new society 
upon the ruins of another society.

  It has all the objective ingredients required for the 
>building of socialism, such as a social process of production and a 
>modern working class.  The capitalist society is pregnant with a system 
>in which both the process of production and the ownership of the means of 
>production will be social.  However, the subjective conditions, the 
>spiritual weapon of Marxism-Leninism, the revolutionary organization of 
>the advanced section of the people, are lagging behind.  It is the 
>creation of these crucial elements that imperialism and the reactionary 
>bourgeoisie use might and main to sabotage, hinder and destroy.

Well, this is also a bit empirical. It is almost like reading a storybook 
with a happy ending. But the bougeoisie, the deadly enemy of the Proletariat 
is well organized and are not going to give it up without a fight. It will 
be the conditions of the result of this fight and the destruction involved 
which will determine the conditions of how the future transitional societies 
will be as we march towards a communist future..
>Second, it is the case that Communism, classless society, society free of 
>wages, profits, money, commodity production, selling, leasing, buying,
>mortgaging, etc., has not existed for thousands of years.  Socialism, the 
>initial stage of Communism, the stage at which the State still exists, has 
>existed though.  Today socialism exists in several countries.  That is, 
>there are several countries free of *antagonistic* class relations.

Oh really! Which states exist that are "free" of antagonistic class 
relations. The whole reason that transitional societies exist and that is 
where we are today is just because classes and the interests of these 
classes still exists in a very real way. In fact the Soviet Union proves 
that without a correct leadership and revolutionary Internationalism things 
can go the other way. Counter.Revolution and the victory of the bougeoisie!
>Third, the principle, "From each according to his abilities, to each 
>according to his work," is socialist.  The principle, "From each 
>according to his abilities, to each according to his needs," is Communist.
>This is quite well-known.
>Finally, Modern Communism is the condition for the complete emancipation of 
>the working class and all humanity.  This is what Communism means, not 
>something else.  If we could have a system without exploitation 
>of any individual or group of individuals by another, and with everyone 
>living off their own work, the whole of mankind would be emancipated.
>Once the condition of Modern Communism is established and a fully 
>classless society is created, all parties (Communist and bourgeois) and 
>all those institutions consistent with the existence of classes and class 
>society, including the State, will outlive their purpose and wither away.

Also a nice bed-time story! But it has nothing to do with "modern 
Communism". It is just some of the basic ABC,s of Marx...
>The founder of Modern Communism, Karl Marx, revealed the law of motion 
>of capitalist society, the theory of surplus value.  He discovered and 
>formulated the general law of motion of society, dialectical and 
>historical materialism.  With these two discoveries he gave to the 
>working class the theory of scientific socialism when capitalism was 
>developing, experiencing periodic devastating crises of overproduction 
>every ten years or so.

Which basically proves that this is not "Modern Communism" at all..

>Modern Communmism is not an idea.  It is an objective condition.  Its
>emergence is based on the operation of objective economic laws and 
>tendencies.  To ensure, to facilitate, the development of socialism and 
>Communism, the working class must come to know itself.  The working class 
>must become conscious of its historic mission.  Thus, the main function of an 
>authentic Communist Party is to ideologize, poiticize and organize the 
>working class and people, to create the subjective conditions for revolution, 
>to raise working class consciousness.  This is the exact opposite of all 
>bourgeois parties, which are only interested in coming to power themselves.  
>The ultimate aim of a genuine Communist Party is to end all exploitation of 
>persons by persons.

OK! I can buy the above. But the problem is that a lot of the stuff going on 
today is just a repeat of the Stalinist-Menshevik and reformist political 
line. The only thing "new" is that these political tendencies are claiming 
that theey are conming with something new. But in fact are throwing massed 
potatoes in the faces of people. Because the politics are hardly new-just a 
rehash of the old. Sort of like trying to paint up a run down tenant 
buiölding and tricking people into believing that this is 
the path to travel. 

>If you could actually show (not just declare): (1) where, and (2) how I 
>"throw the words" Modern Communism "around," this would be helpful.

How about the above document! You used these words quite often! 

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

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