Organized discussion among the people is necessary in order to begin the 
struggle for the progress of society.  Discussion on the causes and 
solutions to the problems in society is absent.  For example, while 
people are openly dissatisfied with the current political set-up, 
discussion on what is needed to change the situation in favor of the 
people is absent.
        What is needed for people to be empowered?  Discussion of this 
question is vigorously prevented by those who wish to maintain the status 
quo, the system that disempowers the majority of the people.  Some may 
say, "but we've already had enough talk," or "what will meetings do for 
us?"  Working people have not yet begun to take up for investigation the 
essence of problems or solutions.  They have been led instead by 
so-called "experts" who either don't believe that real solutions are 
possible or have no interest in solving problems.
        Working people have been led to believe that neither they, nor 
their peers, can address social problems or develop solutions.  People
themselves need to develop the confidence and knowledge to lead in 
solving the problems facing society today.  Working people cannot rely on 
experts or politicians for change; only the people themselves can bring 
about real change.
        Discussion is the first concrete step to turning this condition 
around, to get beyond merely enumerating problems.  Discussion means 
investigating the essence of social problems and proposing real 
solutions.  Needed is a forum where people get together to state their 
views and discuss matters regardless of ideology, and beliefs, so people 
can unite to solve the problems and move society forward.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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