> Labor on the Move: Which way from here?
> Labor Notes' Ninth Biennial Conference
> April 18-20, 1997
> Westin Hotel, Downtown Detroit
> "...the most significant gathering of individuals committed to
> democratic reform in the trade union movement..."
>      -Victor Reuther, Co-founder of the UAW
> The bosses are tough--downsizing, contracting out, halting our
> efforts to organize. Our workplaces are lean and mean. And, we
> face aggressive attacks on affirmative action, health care,
> immigrant and welfare worker rights, and the 40-hour week.
> The fight we face goes beyond individual unions or countries and
> is sounding a wake-up call to the whole labor movement. With
> changes at the top of the AFL-CIO, the ranks are calling for more
> action against corporate greed.
> We are fighting back, with immigrant truckers and tortilla
> workers organizing in Los Angeles, demolition workers in New
> York; Boeing workers beating outsourcing; Canadian Autoworkers
> taking-over General Motors; turning around corruption and
> business-unionism in the Teamsters; winning living wage
> campaigns, student-union organizing, and the founding of the
> Labor Party. And thousands have taken to the streets in Canada,
> Mexico, Brazil, and in Europe against privatization.
> But we have much to do to be a winning movement, to reform our
> old ways. Unions could be a force for justice and securing a
> decent standard of living. The 1997 Labor Notes Conference will
> take a look at where we are at, and where we need to go.
> What Is Labor Notes?
> Labor Notes is an independent non-profit educational organization
> dedicated to rank and file labor activism. Since 1979 we've
> published books and a monthly magazine, and sponsored eight
> international conferences.
> --Conerence Information--
> Place: Westin Hotel, Renaissance Center, In downtown Detroit
> Registration: $85 ($105 Canadian) includes Saturday Banquet.
> Early registrations by Jan. 31, take $10 OFF. Some scholarship
> money is available for low-income workers.
> Lodging: $72 per night single; $82 double; $92 triple; $102 quad.
> Call the Westin, 800/228-3000. Mention Labor Notes to get these
> rates.
> Air Transportation: Northwest Airlines offers a 5% discount on
> conference travel. Call 800/328-1111--mention Labor Notes
> Conference, and Code #NY3CX. Shuttles to the Westin are available
> from Detroit Metro airport.
> Childcare (ages over 1 year): Available for a fee if registered
> by March 15.
> Conference Agenda
> Friday, April 18
>      Registration open 12-9:00pm.
> 1:00 Early workshops, Women of Color Meeting
> 3:00 Latino Workers Meeting
> 5:00 Early Union/Industry Meetings
> 7:00 Opening Session: Labor on the Move--Which Way
>      A report card on the changes in our movement.
> 9:00 Reception, various Caucus meetings
> Saturday, April 19
> 7:30am Registration
> 8:30 Three Concurrent Mini-Plenaries:
>      One: Social Movement Unionism--many attacks, one struggle
>      Two: Lean Production/Privatization--an international fight
>      Three: Organizing Strategies--how we win, today and beyond
> 10:00 Union/Sector Meetings
> 12:30 People of Color Meeting
> 2:00-5:15 Workshops I & II
> 5:30 Interest Meetings
> 7:30 Banquet, Party
> Sunday, April 20
> 7:30 Caucus Meetings
> 9:00 Workshops and Meetings
> 11:00 Brunch, Women's Caucus
> 12:30-2:30 Keynote speakers and Program
> [All main sessions, some workshops and meetings will be
> translated into Spanish and sign language.]
> Over 50 workshops, and meetings by union and industry--
> Workshops will include:
> *  Model Organizing Locals
> *  How to Win Strikes
> *  Workers' Centers
> *  Building Workplace Unionism
> *  Controlling Contracting
> *  Job Security: Shorter workweek
> *  Coalitions Against Privatization
> *  Living Wage Campaigns
> *  How to Run for Office
> *  Fighting Racism on the Job
> *  Cooperation Programs
> *  Telecommunications Rengineering
> *  Technology and Jobs
> *  Health Care Restructuring
> *  Contract Campaigns
> "A lot of things have happened in my union life since I attended
> the '95 Labor Notes conference that were good for me and for my
> union sisters and brothers. It was like a light came on in
> Detroit and I brought that light back to Columbus."
>      -Dennis Anderson, Teamsters Local 413
> For More Information, write to Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave.,
> Detroit, MI 48210. Or call 313/842-6262. Or fax us at 313/842-
> 0227. Or E-mail us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> P.S. We are putting together a program book for the conference,
> and are looking for unions and labor activists to advertise. It's
> a great way to contribute to Labor Notes and send a message to
> the over 1000 people who will be attending. It also helps defray
> the costs of putting together the conference, and provides
> scholarships for those (strikers, students, etc.) who need.

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