Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 08:16:54 -0800
From: Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: california state university, chico, ca
Subject: cockroach and pen-l

>Bob, please do not post cockroach to pen-l.  You should continue to give
>people your table of contents.  One of the problems we have on pen-l is
>too much material, which causes people to unsub.
>Thanks for your understanding.
>p.s. I read cockroach, as I told you before.
>Michael Perelman
>Economics Department
>California State University
>Chico, CA 95929
>Tel. 916-898-5321

Hej Michael,

Most of the stuff on Pen-L is garbage! But if you insist on refusing 
Cockroach and other issues  that i post. Well, take Pen L. and shove it up 
your ass. Now you either take me off your list or leave it alone!

Because what your are doing is banning Trotskyists and kissing the asses of 
the Liberals and Mensheviks that post dozens of piss articles that have 
nothing to do with poor and working class people and their struggles!

Futhermore I am posting your letter and this reply to you to the other 
lists, the newsgroups and  a future issue of Cockroach.

The reply to your letter  is sharp because of your obvious provacation and 
sucking up to liberals and  I until futher notice from you  will advocate a 
boycott of *your* list because you are acting like a little dictator who 
opens his arms to the petty bougeois liberal elements on the Net who can 
write droves of garbage everyday. And even the Stalinists are tolerated as 
long as they follow your personal rules..Well,Trotskyists do not get down on 
their knees for anybody and especially assholes like yourself who think that 
a list is their personal property and try to ban free speech!

In fact there is more interesting polemics and class struggle in any issue 
of Cockroach then ten letters to the Pen L- list. Futhermore it is noted 
that this letter from you came not two hours after I sent the announcement 
of the coming conference in Philadelphia linked to both the Jamal case, 
Police violence against poor and working class people, and the death penalty 
which is used mainly against black people in the United States. And with 
liberals like the people on Pen L I have no doubt that just the idea of 
black people organising themselves against cop violence, the Jamal case and 
the death penalty make you hysterical. And certainly would make them depart 
from your persnal fiefdom! Is it the pressure of the recent ruling on 
Simpson case that is bringing out this inherent rascist reaction?

Nothing would surprise me more that this call which i sent to Pen L is 
directly linked to your ban on Cockroach not two hours after i sent it to 
the list! So besides being a haven for the liberals it might be that you are 
worried about Pen L participants who just might get upset because black 
people in Philly are trying to organise. Which obviously puts you and your 
list with one foot in the camp of the racists and the other foot shaking in 
fear of the bougeois state in America which is doing everything to try and 
execute people like Jamal. And until Pen L makes a clear declaration that 
this is not the case then I assume the worst.  

Michael you are a disgusting piece of shit!

Bob Malecki

fucking piece of shit.

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Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

Or Get The Latest Issue of,

COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people


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