     I think that the behavior of some of the more 
prominent supporters of the PCP on other lists is enough to 
give pause regarding what they might do if they were to 
come to power.  OTOH, I do think that the comparison with 
the Khmer Rouge is overdrawn and inaccurate.  You may 
remember that when this came up on some of those other 
lists, both Luis Quispe and Adolfo Olaechea loudly argued 
that the PCP does not support the policies of the Khmer 
Rouge.  This was at a time when Luis and Adoflo were 
fervently denouncing each other as police spies, Fujimori 
agents, etc.
Barkley Rosser
On Sat, 26 Apr 1997 23:21:15 -0700 (PDT) Gerald Levy 

> Michael Perelman wrote:
> > By the way, I was saddened to see the MRTA written off as pathetic losers
> > on pen-l.
> Nonetheless, it was most revealing _about some Shining Path supporters_
> that they actually _celebrated_ the death of the MRTA rebels ("another
> obstacle out of the way" or words to that effect). It makes one cringe
> in horror for the fate of other leftists if the Khymer Rouge came to power
> in Peru. It seems that anyone who is not a supporter of the Rouge is an
> enemy, a counter-revolutionary, an agent of the imperialist bourgeoisie, a
> social fascist, a traitor. 
> Jerry

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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