Sorry folks about the slip!

By the way though: The URPE summer conference is scheduled for for August 
23-26 at Camp Chinquecka in Bantam (Western) CT. 

The theme this year will be: "What is the Good Fight: Economic Questions 
for the New Labor Movement".

Plenaries will be: 
Workfare versus Fair Work, macro Policy for the Left, and Wither URPE/ 
Whether URPE: What does it mean to be a Radical in 1997.

Confirmed speakers include Bill Fletcher, Education Sec. of the AFL-CIO, 
Nancy Rose , and many others.  

Bob Pollin will be giving the first David Gordon memorial lecture.

Please come and bring your ideas and workshop proposals and papers!  

Contact:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or (212) 663-2911

For rides and fees call URPE National Office: (617) 776-5888
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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