>As an aside it is inaccurate to state that Ms Waring was the
>only women member of parliament at the time of her election and
>I would be interested in the source of this particular

I thought this was stated in the video.  I could be mistaken.

I happened to watch this Marilyn Waring video on Public TV last
Tuesday evening here in SF.  Because they did not give the date
of Marilyn Waring's book, or the date of the video (at the
beginning of the thing -- I didn't watch til the very end -- and
I am  a little miffed at KQED about this because I feel they
misled the viewer into thinking that the video was recent), I
managed to assume that this was a new book, currently published,
and a new video.  I thought I was telling everybody something
new, but very abruptly discovered that it was old hat.  1988
seems like the stone age to me at this point.  Soo, I'm a little
embarrassed about all this.  Also, I have not been a close
follower of "feminist economics."  Thus the Waring name was new
to me.

However, I now know much more about Marilyn Waring.  Thank you
for your information.

Curtis Moore
San Francisco
facilitator of the conference <econ.democracy> on PeaceNet

Original message:----------------------------------------------

Date:          Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:34:24 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:          Bill Cochrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:            Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       [PEN-L:8910] Re:Marilyn Waring

I write this with some trepidation, given the view in many quarters that
Marilyn Waring should be elevated to the status of at least saint, perhaps
a medium league deity.
Marliyn Waring is and always has been a tory, albeit of a liberal kind. She
is no friend of unions or a number of other traditional "left" progressive
organizations and IMHO it would be ill advised to expect much in the way of
progressive, in the left wing sense, thought from this individual and even
less in the way of deed, despite what some of her apologists might say.
As an aside it is inaccurate to state that Ms Waring was the only women
member of parliament at the time of her election and I would be interested
in the source of this particular statement.
If one wanted to single out a women in NZ politics who is both intelligent,
capable, hard working and has at least a residual commitment to social
democratic principles I would nominate the current leader of the Labour
party Helen Clark. If you like academics then try Jane kelsey.
I say this largely because when tory scum masquerade as progressives it
makes me want to vomit.

Bill Cochrane
Centre for Labour and Trade Union Studies
University of Waikato
New Zealand

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