>I would like to thank Shawgi for posting Fidel's speech and
>the Granma article on the net.  I would also like to point out,
>in furtherence of his previous posting about Walmart's decision
>to take Cuban made PJ's out of their Canadian stores, that the
>company under Canadian pressure decided to sell Cuban PJs again
>but that now the American government is again trying to enforce
>US law in Canada by pressuring (prosecuting?) Walmart's American
>head office.  This is the most intolerable form of American
>imperialism that I can imagine.  It disgusts me that Americans
>put up with such clearly anti-humane behaviour on the part of
>their government.


This is the most intolerable form of American imperialism you can imagine?
I assume you're speaking hyperbolically. Imagination is not necessary to
think of far more intolerable (at least to me) forms of American
Imperialism; just remember U.S. training of Central American death squads
and South American torture squads, or the ecological destruction of
Vietnam, or the repeated (multiply x n) invasions, occupations, overthrows
of elected governments, etc. in Latin America, etc., etc., etc.

I mean, really!  :)


P.S. Not a criticism, Paul; just thought I'd mention it, for the record, so
to speak.


Blair Sandler           "If I had to choose a reductionist paradigm,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Classical Marxism is a damned good one."

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