>At 9:03 AM -0800 3/14/97, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>"Mr. Soros, who worries so much about an anticapitalist backlash, thinks
>>the new boom 'will be constantly tested' by crises, but nevertheless 'might
>>last a century.' "
>>So,... aren't you all just *thrilled* by the good news...?
>Where is the evidence for this boom except that capitalists keep getting
>richer and more powerful and feel really good about themselves? Is a 2.5%
>U.S. expansion boomy? Two of the three major centers, Europe and Japan, are
>stagnant. Latin America is hardly sparkling and Africa is a wreck. The
>fastest growth rates are in Asia - and these are very fast indeed, 6-8%,
>the fastest by far of any regional group in Maddison's 175-year database.
>They're 2-3 times what the U.S. and Britain saw at their peaks. Asians, of
>course, haven't achieved those growth rates with anything like the American
>model, which is nonetheless fashionable because of its 2.5% growth rate.

Doug, I sure hope you didn't get the impression I was *endorsing* the WSJ
newsitorial?! Because if you did, perhaps I will post a clarification.

I don't read the WSJ -- or anything else, really -- to learn "what is going
on"; rather to learn what different people *think* is going on.



Blair Sandler           "If I had to choose a reductionist paradigm,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Classical Marxism is a damned good one."

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