
Any other suggestions?  
Post directly to Landay and pen-l- I'll see copy on pen-l.

Thanks Much!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 13:59:58 -0600 (CST)
To: "Jerry M. Landay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anti-trust


        The works I'm most familiar with in this area are: Michael Best 
THE NEW COMPETITION , I believe from 1989, presents a different view that 
the classic anti-trust approach.  Bennett Harrison LEAN AND MEAN on more 
recent industrial organization, not so much anti-trust.  Alfred Chandler 
THE VISIBLE HAND among many other works is the pre-eminent econmic 
historian of industiral organization  who also is more postive about U.S. 
big business in the post-war era than most anti-trust types.  THere is 
also CONRTRIVED COMPETITION , i forget the author but he teaches at 
Harvard I believe and came out a few years ago.

        I'll post on radical econ list to wee what else comes up. 

Cheers, and Good Luck!


On Mon, 24 Feb 1997, Jerry M. Landay wrote:

> Ron:
>         I met you at the Radical Scholars Conference, and am now writing at
> the
> suggestion of Steve Balkin.  
>         Am a non-economist now beginning research on the media monopoly
> issue with
> regard to deregulation and the annihilation of anti-trust enforcement with
> regard
> to media mergers and acquisitions.  My objective is to write an article for
> general, non-technical readers on the issue under the general working title:
> Whatever Happened to antitrust (I've just completed the first of a triad
> called
> Whose First Amendment Is It Anyhow)?
>         Am going to Washington shortly to do some interviews on the
> subject, and
> want to be generally informed with a relevant historical overview.  Can you
> recommend
> one or two books that will provide that overview, beginning with the robber
> barons and
> TR and coming up to date -- at least through Reagan?  The more readable the
> better
> for this layman.  Any other recommendations to relevant reading matter is
> much appreciated.
>         My thanks in advance.
>         Jerry M. Landay
>         University of Illinois @ Urbana

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