The new U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has been on a
"round-the-world tour" designed to push U.S. interests abroad.
Everywhere she goes, the hooliganism of U.S. diplomacy is clearly
     Following talks in Seoul, the news agencies quote Albright
saying that "the success of Korean peace talks depends on how
badly the North Koreans are hurting." Referring to food shortages
reported in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK), 
Albright said that the DPRK "can't expect help until it engages
in peace talks." Using the request of the DPRK for humanitarian
aid to blackmail the north Koreans is typical of U.S. foreign
policy. The food shortages in the DPRK are the result of severe
damage caused to agriculture as a result of tremendous rains and
massive flooding. Rather than sympathizing with the people of the
DPRK, the U.S., which claims to be the greatest champion of human
rights, sees this tragedy for the people as a boon.
     While in south Korea, Albright also visited U.S. troops in
the Demilitarized Zone. Even though it is the U.S. army which is
occupying south Korea, Albright is reported to have "cautioned
North Korea that the U.S. won't be divided from its ally, South
Korea, in peace negotiations or on other issues."

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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