Michael wrote, >Besides, markets are not a lot of fun. Am I just wrong, perhaps overly romanticizing, if I suggest that markets can be fun when they are highly contextualized, a small part of an extensive network of non-market relations? I have fun going to the farmers' market, seeing people I know, looking at all the food I'm not going to buy (as well as that I am), talking with people about the harvest, agro-ecological problems, organic farming, etc., etc. Maybe what's fun about it is socializing, community, and not the buying and selling per se, but I'm not sure it can that easily be separated out. Even haggling (regatear) is fun when it's done in the right way and if people aren't desperate (i.e. desperately poor). What do people think? ************************ Blair Sandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] _____________________________________________________________ Oh our work is more than our jobs and our life is more than our work. -- Charlie King, "Our Life is More Than Our Jobs" Wouldn't it be nice, to take it easy for a while? Wouldn't it be nice, to call in dead for work? And sit on the sidelines, watching the rats run by? -- "The Rats are Winning," by Charlie King. _____________________________________________________________