Michael Perelman wrote:
> Very interesting.  Does this mean that more manufacturing jobs are going
> abroad and that service jobs are safer than manufacturing?
> Certainly, it is not a growing interest in safety.
> Richardson_D wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Workplace injuries fell in 1995 to their lowest rate in nearly a
> > > decade, says BLS, according to an item in The Wall Street Journal's
> > > "Work Week" column (page A1).  A total of 6.6 million injuries and
> > > illnesses were reported that year, the latest for which statistics 

Well, I guess I'm supposed to chime in here.  I haven't seen the latest
data yet, but when I do the first thing I'll do to it will be to adjust
for industrial composition.  One thing works in favor of an optimistic
interpretation, however: safety is countercyclical, so if accidents go
down while unemployment holds steady, that's good news.  Raw safety
numbers should be approached carefully....

Peter Dorman

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