Before we put the reqium for social democracy to bed, I would like to
mention that I have known a couple of good, liberal fighters.  I used to
watch Paul Taylor at Berkeley, 80+ years old with Parkinsons, come in at
8:00 in the morning, tape up his eyelids so he could work, and work he
did -- for eight hours a day, organizing against the California water
barons.  Some of you might know of his wife, Dorothea Lange and their
careers together.

Paul was willing to keep up the same fights for over 55 years non-stop. 
If more social democrats had his tenacity and integrity, we would not be
questioning whether social democracy could do any good -- within some

On the other hand, I recall Marx's attitude toward strikes.  He thought
that they were directed against local injustice, but that their failures
would show the workers that they had to take on the system.  But then if
there were many principled social democrats, far fewer strikes would be
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
Tel. 916-898-5321

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