I have found your posts on Cuba, Slovenia, Yugoslavia and on labor
iisssues in Canada to be very thoughtful and thought provoking. I urge you
not to withdraw your public comments because of one sectarian individual 
who often substitutes ridiculous ad hominem attacks for political 
economic analysis. I know it is not pleasant for you and you feel a 
responsibility for the people you mention but consider how your comments 
are seripusly read by many while Proyect's postings are deleted by many 
people before being read because of his past behavior on this list.
Please reconsider your decision to withdraw. Peter Bohmer

 On Thu, 27 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear friends,
>   After Louis' last piece of venom that attacked, not only me, but
> my acquaitances that may (or may not) agree with me, but who have
> never heard of Louis Proyet, I must withdraw from further discussion
> on pen-l.  I will not unsubscribe, for that would deprive me of
> the pearls of Doug and Jim and Michael et al., but it appears that
> in my area of interest, rational discussion is not possible without
> L P's irrational and incomprehensible attacks.  It is unfortunate
> that a so called socialist hasn't the decency to engage argument
> and rather resort to ad hominum attack and personal ridicule, even
> when there is not the slightest material reason for doing so.
>   I would like to continue the stream Slovenia/Yugoslavia with
> Barkley, Paul, Jim and all those actually interested, but it appears
> to be impossible on pen-l because of Louis.  You are all (except Louis)
> invited to continue the stream personally off list if I can figure how
> to do it.
>   Nasvidinje,
> Paul Phillips,
> economics,
> University of Manitoba

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