> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Mar 26 21:20 PST 1997
> This is the second message (Eyes on Mexico)
> >Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 15:53:44 -0500 (EST)
> >From: Amnesty International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: ua: ;
> >Subject: UA 86/97 Mexico
> >MIME-Version: 1.0
> >
> >Essential accents for this e-mail version:
> >
> >Acute accent on o in Lopez
> >             on a in Hernandez
> >             on second a in Petatan
> >
> >Tilde on second n in Montana (region)
> >Acute accent on e in Mexico
> >
> >Acute accent on a in Hernandez, i in Diaz (Attorney General)
> >
> >
> >
> >EXTERNAL                                             AI Index: AMR 41/15/97
> >
> >UA 86/97    Extrajudicial Execution/Fear for safety           26 March 1997
> >
> >MEXICO:     Guadalupe Valentino Lopez Carrasco, teacher, aged 50 - killed
> >            Nicasia Hernandez Petatan (f), teacher, aged 52 - killed
> >
> >            Granddaughter of the victims, aged 5, witness to killing
> >            Colleague of the victims, witness to killing
> >
> >
> >Amnesty International is gravely concerned by the apparent extrajudicial
> >execution of Guadalupe Valentino Lopez Carrasco and his wife, Nicasia
> >Hernandez Petatan, who were killed on 23 March 1997 in La Montana region of
> >the state of Guerrero. Both were members of the Partido de la Revolucion
> >Democratica, (PRD), Party of the Democratic Revolution, a legal opposition
> >party. There are fears for the safety of the couple's five-year-old
> >granddaughter and a friend of theirs, who witnessed the brutal murders.
> >
> >Guadalupe Valentino Lopez Carrasco was mayor of the municipality of
> >Malinaltepec, in the state of Guerrero, between 1993 and 1996. Both he and
> >his wife were teachers and defenders of indigenous people's rights in La
> >Montana region. They had received death threats relating to these
> >activities.
> >
> >On 23 March 1997 at 5.30pm, the couple, along with their granddaughter and
> >a friend, were returning to Malinaltepec when the van they were driving
> >was intercepted by two armed men, allegedly linked to the local
> >authorities. They were both shot in the head from point-blank range. None
> >of their possessions were stolen.
> >
> >Amnesty International is deeply alarmed by the murder and the threat now
> >faced by the witnesses. It is calling on the authorities to guarantee the
> >safety of the witnesses and for a full and prompt investigation resulting
> >in the perpetrators being brought to justice.
> >
> >
> >Amnesty International has documented dozens of cases of serious human
> >rights violations against members of the PRD, peasant and community
> >activists as well as human rights defenders. The increase in security force
> >operations to quell recent guerrilla activities has often meant that those
> >people or groups who publicly dissent from the governing party, the
> >Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Institutional Revolutionary
> >Party, are presumed to be members of guerrilla groups and are targeted for
> >human rights abuses. This is especially true in the state of Guerrero where
> >a climate of systematic human rights violations and impunity prevails.
> >
> >Bertoldo Martinez Cruz, secretary of the Human Rights Committee of the
> >PRD, is presently being detained for his grass roots activism (see EXTRA
> >91/96, AMR 41/26/96, 11 June 1996, and follow-ups).  Gregorio Alfonso Alvarado
> >Lopez, a teacher, trade unionist and Indian rights activist "disappeared"
> >in September 1996 and has not been seen since (see UA 237/96, AMR 41/61/96,
> >8 October 1996).
> >
> >RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/telexes/faxes/airmail letters in
> >Spanish or your own language:
> >
> >-     calling for a prompt and full investigation of the extrajudicial
> >killing of Guadalupe Valentino Lopez Carrasco and Nicasia Hernandez
> >Petatan;
> >-     urging that those found responsible be brought to justice;
> >-     expressing grave concern for the safety of the two witnesses to the
> >killings and calling for immediate steps to be taken to ensure their
> >safety;
> >-     asking for details of any progress made in investigations of similar
> >human rights violations against grass roots activists;
> >-     expressing deep alarm about the continuing human rights violations
> >in the state of Guerrero and the apparent lack of effective action on the
> >part of the authorities to stop them and to end the impunity currently
> >enjoyed by most perpetrators.
> >
> >
> >Lic. Emilio Chuayffet Chemor
> >Secretario de Gobernacion
> >Secretaria de Gobernacion
> >Bucarelli 99, 1er piso
> >Col Juarez, 06699 Mexico DF, MEXICO
> >      Telegrams: Secretario de Gobernacion, Mexico DF, Mexico
> >      Faxes: + 52 5 546 5350
> >      Salutation: Sr. Secretario / Dear Minister
> >
> >Lic. Antonio Hernandez Diaz           (Attorney General of Guerrero State)
> >Procurador del Estado de Guerrero
> >Carretera Nacional Mexico-Acapulco Km. 6.300
> >CP 39.000, Chilpancingo
> >Guerrero, MEXICO
> >      Telegrams: Sr. Procurador, Guerrero, Mexico
> >      Faxes: + 52 747 223 28 (voice line: ask "el tono de fax, por favor")
> >      Salutation: Sr. Procurador/ Dear Attorney
> >
> >Angel Heladio Aguirre Rivero          (Interim Governor of Guerrero)
> >Gobernador Interino del Estado de Guerrero
> >Palacio de Gobierno
> >Plaza Primer Congreso de Anahuac
> >39000 Chilpancingo
> >Guerrero, Mexico
> >      Telegrams: Gobernador Aguirre, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico
> >      Faxes:+ 52 747 23072 (voice line: ask "el tono de fax, por favor")
> >      Salutation: Sr. Gobernador / Dear Governor
> >
> >Her Excellency Sandra Fuentes-Berain
> >Ambassador of Mexico
> >45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1500
> >Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4
> >      Fax: (613) 235-9123
> >
> >Sr. Editor
> >La Jornada                            (daily newspaper)
> >Balderas 68
> >06050 Mexico D.F., MEXICO
> >
> >Senores
> >Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel     (human rights organization)
> >      Agustin Pro Juarez, AC
> >CP 06700, Mexico D.F.
> >Mexico, MEXICO
> >      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >AICS(ES) UA Network --- Electronic Mail Distribution
> >Coordinator: Marilyn McKim (Toronto Regional Office)
> >tel: 929-0488...fax: 929-0539...e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >* Surf our Web site! <URL:http://www.amnesty.org/> *
> >
> > "Better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

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