Elster said "[there] are no societies, only individuals who interact with
each other" on page 248 of "The Cement of Society". This was cited in
Marcus Roberts' book "Analytical Marxism: A Critique". I will try to track
down the paragraphs in Elster where the sentence occurs and post them. 

Roberts' book is worth a look-see, but it has two problems. It was
originally a PhD thesis and, because of this I suppose, is wordy and
unclear. Moreover, Roberts' own politics are not that sharply defined so
he is always invoking somebody else's expertise in refuting the AM'ers,
such as Mandel, etc. If I ever wrote a book like this, I would use it as
an opportunity to clarify basic Marxist concepts rather than nit-picking
AM'ers, which is Roberts' tendency.

Louis Proyect

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