At 3:53 PM -0800 3/24/97, DICKENS, EDWIN (201)-408-3024 wrote:

>As a contretemps to the current concerns on Pen-l
>with people reviewing materials they have highly
>publicized biases against, can you explain why you
>would rather read a PoMo icon like Foucault rather
>than a book apparently grounded in Marx (e.g., Foucault
>never quotes the Grundrisse).  I'm looking for
>what an old dinosaur like you is finding of value
>in Foucault.

I'd rather read the Grundrisse than either, but a lot of Meszaros's terrain
is pretty familiar to me, whereas Foucault's is still somewhat fresh. I
disagree with a lot of what he says, but he's lively, engaging, and with
more than a touch of evil, like Nietzsche. But I'd much rather read
Foucault than other "PoMo icons" like, say, Irigaray, Derrida, Deleuze &
Guattari, or even poor Stanley Aronowitz.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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