
There is an interesting article in the March 1997 issue of Monthly Review by 
Meera Nanda.  The article is about science and more specifically about the 
deconstruction of it by some of the postmodernists. She is strongly opposed to 
this deconstruction and tries to show how its adherents have basically the same 
view as do a host of reactionaries in the Third World. I would be interested to 
know what those of you who have more knowledge about this subject than I think 
about the article.

Monthly Review has had a lot of good issues over the past couple of years.  
Check it out.  Most recently, the fine scholar and activist, Ellen Meiksens Wood 
has come on board as an editor, joining Paul Sweezy and Harry Magdoff.  This 
bodes very well for the future of the magazine.

Michael Yates

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