I just want to make it clear that Berkeley Rosser doesn't describe the Bob
Malecki story with complete understanding. I was able to establish through
relentless probing that Bob and his confederates, by his own admission, were
charged with stockpiling dynamite to use against a power plant and in other
public places in the Cleveland area. I guess his intention was to teach
those war-mongering power plant workers and shoppers not to have invaded

My political assessment of him is the same as it has always been. Malecki
doesn't have the profile of an antiwar activist. He says in his
autobiography that he was a drug dealer who ran out of money, and then
drifted to Cleveland where he took a job in the "Chrysler division of Ford"
or some such thing. Somebody stuck a antiwar leaflet into this bird's hand
one day at a plant-gate and he got radicalized on the spot. The next thing
you know he shows up at peace committee meetings in Cleveland arguing for
Lenin's defeatist position to "Turn the Imperialist War into a Civil War."
Then he gets arrested for stockpiling dynamite. Hmmm.

Now Rosser was never an activist and doesn't have a clue about what turned
people into terrorists. Whatever Malecki was, his story has nothing in
common with the SDSers who became Weathermen. I invite people to look at his
autobiography which is on the Web. He is a fabulist and a degenerate, to get
straight to the point. He claims that Navy intelligence conspired to get one
of their agents into the mental ward that Malecki the sailor-man was in. The
purpose? The Navy, Malecki claims, had a hand in killing JFK and they wanted
to blame it on Malecki's friends on the lower east side of New Yorker. So
this Navy officer feigned craziness to get close to Malecki. (Was inspector
Mulder and Scully around to take a look at this?)

Now we have this moron with a PhD named Jerry Levy on marxism-international
who has taken up Malecki's cause. This very same Malecki whose violent
language directed against Michael Perlman is a real indication of his
politics rather than his quotidian invocation of the need for "a
Bolshevik-Leninist party." Levy's embrace of Malecki is a real sign of the
degeneration of somebody whose grip on reality was tenuous to begin with.

Jerry Levy has his closed circle of brilliant Marxist economists trying to
solve the transformation problem on the OPE list. I understand that the
bouncer won't let Bill Mitchell and Berkeley Rosser through the front door.
Apparently the OPE club will try to find a cure for cancer after the
transformation problem is wrapped up. Nobody knows what the fuck they talk
about in there. All that Levy contributes publicly are his attempts to get a
flame-war going with me.

Now I have kept my mouth shut over on marxism-international whenever Jerry
Levy tries to provoke me. Sooner or later I am going to rip him a new
asshole if he doesn't watch out. I will do it on PEN-L rather than
marxism-international, however. Now I am asking the reasonable people among
you to convince him to behave himself. This means people like Alan Freeman,
Andrew Kliman, etc. I will be happy to have a flame war with Levy, if he
wants it, but it will be on PEN-L not a Spoons list.

Now on the question of the "Malecki thing". I think he gets paid to start
flame wars. He has been unemployed for a year and a half but who can figure
out where he gets the money for all his email and WWW expenses. I will leave
this to your own imagination.

Louis Proyect

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