>>Several people on PEN-L were at the conference and will undoubtedly offer
>>different perspectives, but the bottom line is that a bunch of orthodox
>>marxists were upset that suggestions from speakers were not the same as the
>>answers offered by orthodox marxists. Because we know that orthodox marxism
>>has all the answers. oh well.
>Now Blair, I knew you were a partisan, but I thought you were a fair guy.

Doug, I think it's fair to say my opinion and indicate clearly that it *is*
my opinion, that others will have other opinions. I was hoping you'd be one
of them; Louis Proyect was also there. I've read a number of pieces by
Nanda Meera and I stand by my opinion.

Personally, I agree about the Shiva/Harding panel, also that Balibar talked
too long (though I wouldn't say "gassed"). The dissenters impressed me
about as much as Shiva and Harding, which is to say, not at all.



Blair Sandler           "If I had to choose a reductionist paradigm,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Classical Marxism is a damned good one."

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