Michael Perelman wrote:

>Whether you agree with RM, postmodernism, Leninist,
>Trostskyist, or Stalinist politics is not as important as getting
>something real done when, as in the U.S., Clinton and the Republicans
>can sit down in a room and negotiate a budget, leaving Dick Gephart to
>represent the people.  We are in a sorry fix and need to get something

Michael, I appreciate your call for comradely amity, but these are serious
issues that need to be discussed. Is this "sorry fix" we're in a function,
even in part, of a bad set of theories that have led to bad political
mistakes? Since a great deal of "postmodernism" has been about the denial
of political economy - Foucault said it was a 19th century concern, since
we've been transformed from beings who labor into beings who speak -
shouldn't political economists talk about that?



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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