At 10:57 AM 5/2/97 -0700, you wrote:
>"And another thing!," he hectored....
>In its mad search for mathematical rigor, economics as a discipline has
>gotten horribly cut off from the rest of intellectual life. Shouldn't
>radical economists do something about that? Try to engage with what's going
>on in other social sciences and in culture? Cultural studies is too
>important to be left to some of the people who are doing it now.

I think the reason that Michael Perleman is anxious to reach foreclosure on
the RM thread is that he is concerned about my tendency to flame people.
His anxiety is grounded in reality, so at this point I volunteer to ease
out of this thread and let cooler heads prevail.

I am tempted to make one final observation on the lingering impact of the
Sokal Affair whether or not it is related to interest rates. The editors of
Social Text have just come out with a new book called "The Science Wars"
which is the famous hoax issue minus Sokal's hoax. The introduction of the
book of course takes a swipe at Alan. As if that was not enough, they have
also hit the stands with the latest copy of Social Text which has a
postscript on the Sokal Affair. It's more or less what you'd expect: seven
articles taking Sokal apart. This Social Text issue by the way is devoted
to sports and includes an article on "Sport and Melodrama: The Case of
Mexican Professional Wrestling" by Heather Levi. Boy oh boy, I wish I could
see the expression on Stanley Aronowitz and Andrew Ross's face when they
see Heather's article in the next Lingua Franca.

Louis Proyect 

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