I think Jim Craven is just wrong on this. I have given specific references
where this matter has been discussed. The one reference in particular is to
an environmentalist who certainly would be happy if the quoted "letter" were
valid. The original translation of the Seattle speech is available in the
book I  referred to from the University of Oklahoma press. There may be some
question as to how accurate the translation into English is though. You can
compare for yourself: i) THe original speech ii) the "letter" from the movie
HOME by Perry. Perry himself never pretended that the speech was original.
The hoax, such as it was, was perpretrated by the movie producers
to make the speech seem more authentic and no doubt because it contained
pop ecology concepts missing from the model.
Perry expected credits to be given for his own writing.
 THe statement about the
white person's God not loving his red children seems much more appropriate
given the experience of the aboriginals than Perry's sentimental pap and no
less articulate. 
  Cheers, Ken Hanly
  P.S. If you need further references there is a long article by a German
who discovered the real situation at the same time as or before Baird Caldicott
but published his findings later.

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