Patrick Bond wrote:

>SA's present jobless growth situation
>(3.1% GDP increase in 1996, and tens of thousands of net jobs lost in
>the private sector)

How does this compare with the past, and with population growth? I worked
up the employment-GDP numbers for the U.S., Japan, and Western Europe last
week and confirmed the ILO's assertion that the main problem in countries
with high unemplyment rates is slow growth, not a change in the employment
intensity of growth. (I'm bracketing, as they say, the question of whether
growth in itself is a good or sustainable thing.) You want jobless growth,
try Japan in the 1950s, when annual GDP growth was around 10% and
employment, 1%. Western Europe saw a large, though not that large, gap
between employment and GDP growth throughout the boom years of the 1950s
and 1960s.



Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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