"The point is that we and our friends control the keys to the clubs and the 
treasuries that Kabila will need to tap if he is going to rebuild the 
country -- the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, our development 
funds, and those of the Europeans."
 -- Chester Crocker, former Assistant Secretary of State for Africa from 
1981 to 1989 and now a professor at Georgetown University, explaining why 
the US would still have "a tremendous amount of influence" over the new 
government in Zaire, despite having installed and helped to maintain one of 
the most corrupt dictatorships on earth in that country for the last 32 
years.  (NYT, Saturday, May 17,1997, p.A6)

---------------End of Original Message-----------------

Name: Mark Weisbrot
Preamble Center for Public Policy
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(202) 265-3263 (offc)
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