At 11:22 AM 5/27/97 -0700, Doug Henwood wrote:
>Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:
>>To all who use Workings Assets (WALD) as their long distance phone company.
>>As you know WALD has program funding nonprofit organisations working for
>>progressive causes.  However, they are yet to provide funding to any
>>organization defending workers' rights in this country.
>Doesn't WALD use Sprint as their main carrier, and isn't Sprint a known
>union-busting company?

That is true, and I've written to WALD on that issue with little effect.  We
may say that WALD is not particularly labour-friendly, but neither are
scores of other "progressive" organisations, inlcuding Pacifica, or for that
matter, other carriers like ATT or MCI.  

However, while ATT, MCI and other do not make any claims to serving any
causes, let alone progressive ones, WALD does.  Consequently, little people
like myself have a bit more leverege to demand that WALD lives up to its

But for the record, I am not that naive to believe that you can change the
nature of capitalism by devoting 1 or 2% of the proceeds to charity.


wojtek sokolowski 
institute for policy studies
johns hopkins university
baltimore, md 21218
voice: (410) 516-4056
fax:   (410) 516-8233

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