To all who use Workings Assets (WALD) as their long distance phone company.

As you know WALD has program funding nonprofit organisations working for
progressive causes.  However, they are yet to provide funding to any
organization defending workers' rights in this country.  To my knowledge,
they have been funding mainly organizations that save whales, plant trees
for peace  and kindred hippe causes.  I am by no means suggestiong that
these causes are not important, all I am saying that workers' right in this
cauntry are an endangered species that can become extinct even before the
spotted owl.

Any WALD customer has a right to nominate a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit to their
funding program.  I recently exercised that right by nominating Jobs with
Justice.  I urge any WALD custemore to do the same -- write them a letter
demanding that they fund an organization that is explictly devoted to
protecting labour rights and economic democracy at home.

A copy of my letter to WALD follows.

Donations Manager
Working Assets
701 Montgomery St. 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby nominate Jobs with Justice for your funding program.  Jobs with
Justice is a nation-wide, 501 (c) (3) organization working in the area of
workers' rights and economic justice.  Its national office is located at 501
3rd St. NW, Washington, DC 20001. 

I am forwarding a copy of this letter to JwJ's national office with a
request to send the required documentation to you.  In all likelihood, that
documentation will not reach your office before the May 31 deadline.
Nonetheless, I strongly urge you to consider Jobs with Justice for possible
inclusion in your funding program.  To my knowledge, Working Assets has not
yet supported any organization specifically devoted to defending workers'
rights and economic democracy in the US.  Given the dismal state of workers'
rights in this country that are further eroded by concerted corporate
efforts, this omission is simply unacceptable.


S. Wojciech Sokolowski
wojtek sokolowski 
institute for policy studies
johns hopkins university
baltimore, md 21218
voice: (410) 516-4056
fax:   (410) 516-8233

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