My favorite right-wing columnist, Christopher Caldwell of the New York
Press, wrote this in the May 7-13 issue. Caldwell's day job is as a
writer/editor at the Weekly Standard, a right-wing rag owned by Rupert
Murdoch and edited by WIlliam Kristol, Irving's son.

"This is the point, although Americans are reluctant to recognize it, of
setting up the European Community: its member countries want to band
together so they don't get divided and conquiered by the monster economy of
the free world [the U.S.].
   Europe, of course, is also a convenient way of getting these countries
off the hook and allowing them to move democracy one step further away from
the people, in hopes of getting a government more like ours, in which the
people don't have to be consulted with much frequency.
   Take the French elections, which President Jacques Chirac called in
order ot ratify France's position in Europe.... [N]o non-retired voter is
so stupid as to vote to reform the welfare state, that is, to volunteer to
do without benefits that everyone older than him has got and that he's
already paid for. So what Chirac hopes to do is use the European monetary
union to *force* his country into automatic deficit reductions by saying 'I
didn't want to do it, but there was nothing I could do; we had to hit our


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