  I will be debating current proposals to reform the Canadian Pension
Plan on TV tomorrow evening.  The argument for 'reform' I believe
is similar to that for privatizing the US social security system
based on (inaccurate) claims that the present system  is bankrupt,
non-sustainable, etc.  I am not worried but these arguments
because they are based on factually wrong claims.  However,
other parts of the proposal involve increased funding of the CPP
through the stockmarket purchases and a much higher degree of
funding generally rather than 'pay-as-you-go'.  Further, some
of the support for this comes from extravagent claims of the
huge success of the privatization of the Chilean pension system.
Can pen-l-ers give me answers to the following three questions
which I know have been addressed in one form or another on this
list over the last few months.  I need the info by tomorrow

1) What are the arguments against stock market funding of basic
social security pensions?

2> What was Keynes' objection to funding pension plans as opposed
to 'pay-as-you-go' funding?

3> What is the downside of the Chilean pension privatization?

Much thanks in advance,

Paul Phillips,

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