> Unless the socialist movement finds a way to put an end to capitalism and
> disarm the war-makers, the survival of the planet remains in question.
> While we can not "explain" the genocide adequately no matter how sharp our
> theoretical weapons, one thing is for sure. We have a sufficient
> explanation for the need to abolish capitalism: it is an inherently
> irrational system which threatens the human race.
> Louis Proyect

I agree with that conclusion : unless men find a way to put an end to
capitalism, the survival of society and humanity  remains in question.
Nazism, as long as we're informed of history, was the first acting out
against civilization. The law was no more the law (and precisely the Law
was intoduced in our christian culture by the jews, especially in
Germany), and all things were permitted, all frustrations and impulses
could be exhausted. So that a crowd of uncultured men efficiently served
the nazism. So I'm convinced, though I be marxist, that marxism can not
explain the "holocaust", unless marxist thought integrate the freudian
thought, that is to say abandon the rousseauist one. I'm not sure that
capitalism is "irrational", but the whole of capitalism defender
arguments, nowadays, is entirely irrational. "Inflation", "market
economy" and so on are only metaphysics, and that's notabily the reason
why the so called "economic science" remains everything but a real
science. Whatever it be, today's capitalism, by promoting egoism and
"laisser faire", is a daily aggression against culture and civilization.
In that sense, it's going to give birth to the next avatar of nazism,
which one we'll be anable to recognize according to the Primo Levi's
prediction, the last one for the last step of history. But don't forget,
too, that Marx believed in the extinguishing of the State, and so
laboured himself, in this case, under the bourgeoisie's ideology ... 




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