>But, Mine!  Isn't football (the real one - ie. the one they play with
>feet) the sport most played by the world's girls and women?  And you'd be
>living in a strange place indeed if an awful lot of the women weren't
>a tad interested in the men's game, too, I reckon.  Women can be as
>and as nationalistic as any man.

I don't deny this. However, I am talking about "dominant" masculine
cultural practices. football is one of those generally associated
with manly charecteristics (socially defined of course).Emprically
speaking, it is men who in the majority of cases play football . don't you
follow the world cubs? there are some women football teams, but very few,
to my knowledge. Even if women play it, they should fit in the masculine
definition of football player. i don't the know case in football,in the
case of olympic games, women are subject to genetic testing. if you are
"ambigiously female", you are considered to be a freak... once there was
a similar streotype used to describe "leftist women" in turkish political
discourses: less feminine, freak, manly, agressive, etc. thanks to
"some" feminists that they have effectively perpetuated this streotyping
to criticize socialism instead of fighting against the dominant culture
(this is another story though)

Since I am a socialist egalitarian feminist in the final analysis, I am
not opting for the elimination of any kind of sport because it is a male
sport. We need a society where such activities should be radically
engendered in favor of "substantive" equality between sexes, and where
men and women are allowed to attain the full develioment of their
potentials equally. we are very far way from this society in so far
as society dictates us what you can or can not do as a woman or a man.
so we need to eliminate the gender division of labor itself..


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