(See last item).  Here at the Labor Dept. we are wondering what it is
that we did so well to so disturb Mr. Armey.



The government's summertime snapshot of the youth labor force picks up
the tones of a robust economy, with total employment among workers ages
16 to 24 up by 2.4 percent in July, compared with a year ago.  Jobless
rates in virtually all demographic groups were down, compared with the
summer of 1996, according to data released by BLS ....(Daily Labor
Report, page D-15).  

Demand for labor remained strong in July, as the Conference Board
reports its help-wanted advertising index held steady at 88 percent of
its 1987 base ....(Daily Labor Report, page A-6; Wall Street Journal,
page A12).

U.S. economic growth in the second quarter was revised up to a strong
3.6 percent at an annual rate, due  chiefly to a better performance by
the trade sector and a larger inventory accumulation than first
estimated, reports the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic
Analysis.  The revised figures for GDP mean the economy barely slowed
after growing at a 4.9 percent pace in the first quarter of this year.
Consumer spending was much weaker than in the first quarter, however,
suggesting to many analysts that the third quarter will see a pickup in
personal outlays ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_____The U.S. economy
grew much more strongly this spring than previously thought, raising new
questions for analysts and policymakers about whether inflationary
pressures will build in coming months ....(Washington Post, page
K1)_____Even with the more robust growth, inflation remained subdued
during the second quarter ....(New York Times, page A1)_____The economy
grew much faster than the original estimate.  Meanwhile, prices inched
up just 0.8 percent in the second quarter, and corporate profits jumped
1.9 percent ....(Wall Street Journal, page A2).   

New claims for unemployment benefits declined by 16,000 to 323,000
during the week ended Aug. 23, the Labor Department's Employment and
Training Administration reports ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-13;
Washington Post, page K2).

The flow of three-year visas for skilled foreign-born workers has been
temporarily cut off by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the
agency says.  The agency has tentatively reached the limit on the number
of H1-B visas it can issue annually ....(Daily Labor Report, page A-3).

Despite the best economic conditions in a generation, more than
two-thirds of U.S. workers say their sense of job security is lower and
job stress higher than it used to be, according to a new survey by
Princeton Survey Research Associates ....(USA Today, pages 1A, 1B).

House Majority Leader Armey (R-Texas) gives the Labor Department the
worst marks in his overall assessment of federal agencies' preliminary
plans for improving the way agency programs are run.  In a letter issued
this month, Armey ranks the Labor Department last in an evaluation of
federal agencies' efforts to comply with the Government Performance and
Results Act ....(Daily Labor Report, page A-7).

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