New Issue Brief from EPI:

"America's Well-Targeted Raise:
 Data Show Benefits of Minimum Wage Increase
 Going to Workers Who Need It Most"

By Jared Bernstein

This should be of particular interest to those
involved in "Living Wage" campaigns.  It's
free for download from the EPI web site,

The principal subject of the brief is the nature
of minimum wage workers, exploding the canard
that they are mostly teenagers in middle-class
families.  There are numbers on affected
workers by state, and on demographic characteristics
of affected workers.

Users of EPI material may recall our briefing paper
on the lack of disemployment effects, a separate

If you don't have access to the web, contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and they will e-mail
or fax it to you.

Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          1660 L Street, NW
202-775-8810 (voice)      Ste. 1200
202-775-0819 (fax)        Washington, DC  20036


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