> I'm not on any crusade against do-gooders
> about whose projects I have skepticism.
> But sooner or later we all have to consider
> the best use of scarce political resources.
> Don't we?

The implication is that resources generated by Diana's
campaign against land mines would otherwise be used for
better purposes if she wasn't distracting people.  I
wish that were the case, but I don't believe it is.
> I am struck by the contrast between your
> indulgence of the Diana cult and your hard-
> headedness with respect to the extensive
> labors of trade union and social-democratic
> forces to move the EU to the left.

I think that Diana's efforts have had positive
effects. If that constitutes "indulgence of the
Diana cult," so be it.

On the other hand, I think that union and social
democratic efforts to move the EU to the left is
a classic instance of efforts that would be more
likely to bear fruit if they were expended on
different tactics and strategies.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree once more,


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