>Blaming Mexicans for bad food and drugs is a reactionary
>approach. Blaming NAFTA for job losses implies capitalism without NAFTA
>would be just fine. Citing 'border ecology' against industry in Mexico
>is incredible hypocracy. These are yuppie Perot arguments - lets oppose
>NAFTA for **good** reasons!
>Bill Burgess

What are *good* reasons if not the protection of our food supply? Mexican
farmers use pesticides that are banned in the United States and their food
safety and environmental protection regulations, where they exist, are
largely unenforced (as are their labor laws). The Clinton administration
does not even want to include side agreements on labor and the environment
in the new round of "free trade" talks. Why should we let foreign producers
cut corners, compromise safety regulations and export questionable food
into the United States, allowing them to undercut domestic producers who
are regulated?

Also, if Perot had connected with the yuppies, he'd be president today.

-- Jim Cullen

James M. Cullen, Editor
P.O. Box 150517, Austin, Texas 78715-0517
Phone: 512-447-0455
Home page: http://www.eden.com/~reporter

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