anzalone/starbird wrote:

>The way to say it without sounding like a chauvanist is to say it like a
>feminist. There is no cultural basis for asserting that Sr. Nirmala is
>acting out of an Indian cultural perspective. The beauty of culture is its
>adaptability. The Indian pantheon of religions include many female deities,
>and their is no Hindu sanction against abortion. The cultural imperialism
>of Europe and the patriarchy of Roman Catholicism (objected to by most
>Catholic women I might add) is what Sr. Nirmala is dutifully regergitating
>as per the requirements of subservience in her Catholic church heirarchy.
>The rigidity of the backward patriarachal Euro-Centrated position you find
>objectionable in Sr. Nirmala comes from Rome and hundreds of years of
>Vatican mysogynist jibberish. It hails from no where else.

So what about dowry, widow burning, restrictions on property ownership, and
all that stuff?


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