It's good that people on the list are quick to defend 
Buddhists, even from relatively oblique references that 
might be interpreted as indicating a lack of respect.

Can a similar level of courtesy and respect be extended 
to Muslims?  I'm a little surprised that an anti-Muslim 
joke could go up on the list with little comment (save 
an alert note by Harry C) and no apology (Sept 8, the 
one about Kuwaiti women walking ten paces ahead due to 
landmines) and then the same person who posted that joke 
would go after Max's Buddha-can-you-spare-a-dime aside,
which strikes me as far less offensive in terms of the
cultural stereotypes it calls upon.

I think Michael E is completely sincere and said some 
smart things, especially on stereotypes being a general 
problem and not just a concern of those stereotyped.  
But it is worrying that we have a climate in which 
anti-Muslim stereotypes go largely unchallenged and 
perhaps are not even perceived as such.

Best, Colin

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