Initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits decreased by 5,000 to
a seasonally adjusted 306,000 in the week ended Sept. 13, the Labor
Department reports ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-8)_____The number of
Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell unexpectedly
in the latest week, providing more evidence of a persistent tightness in
the labor market ....(New York Times, page C16).

The recent upswing in employment prospects will gain momentum during the
autumn months, according to projections from 311 respondents to BNA's
latest quarterly employment survey.  Job opportunities -- which have
increased gradually since the spring -- likely will rise substantially
during October, November, and December.  Workforce reduction plans are
down from three months ago.  Just 5 percent of responding employers
expect to eliminate technical/professional or office/clerical jobs
during the last three months of the year ....(Daily Labor Report, page

Union membership figures prepared for the AFL-CIO's upcoming convention
show overall membership levels down by 102,000 since the last
convention.  However, the percentage of decline is also reduced from
declines posted in recent years ....The membership figures are computed
on the basis of the average of per-capita payments made by affiliated
unions to the federation each month for the previous two-year period
....Nineteen unions reported a membership increase in the most recent
two-year period, and six made gains of 10,000 members or more ....The
number of affiliates that lost member (29) during the latest two-year
period decreased considerably from the prior two-year period when 44
affiliates lost members.  Twenty-two unions reported no membership
change, compared with 20 in 1995 ....The International Brotherhood of
Teamsters reported 1,276,000 members, making it the largest union in the
federation ....(Daily Labor Report, page AA-1).

Labor union have had little success organizing workers in recent years,
in part because companies have well-oiled anti-union campaigns
....Charts show that workers at nonunion companies are requesting fewer
elections to form unions, and, when elections are held, unions are
winning less often.  Also, strikes involving 1,000 or more workers have
declined sharply.  National Labor Relations Board is given as the source
for the charts ....(USA Today, page 1B).

The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services surged in July, increasing
24.7 percent, as exports fall while imports rose, the Commerce
Department says ....(Daily Labor Report, page D-1)_____The U.S. trade
deficit soared as a flood of Japanese cars produced the biggest gap with
Japan in two years.  Imports hit an all-time high while exports shrank
by 1.4 percent.  The politically sensitive deficits with Japan and China
widened considerably, and the trade imbalances with Germany, Italy, and
France surged to records ....(Washington Post, page G1; New York Times,
page C1; Wall Street Journal, page A2).

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