> >For immediate release                                        September 25, 1997
> >
> >
> >Ottawa --- NDP Trade Critic Bill Blaikie will call today for an emergency
> >debate in the House of Commons on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments
> >(MAI).
> >
> >=91The Liberal government is negotiating a trade agreement with far-reachin=
> g
> >implications for the sovereignty of Canada,=92 said Mr.Blaikie.  =91Canadia=
> ns
> >deserve a debate to know what is at stake for labour standards, our social
> >programs, and for our cultural sovereignty.=92
> >
> >The MAI is a global trade agreement under negotiation at the Organization
> >for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Following upon  NAFTA and
> > the WTO, it is an attempt to further de-regulate global capital markets
> >and reduce the capacity of governments to enforce socially and
> >environmentally responsible behaviour on the part of multinational
> >corporations.
> >
> >Where NAFTA allows countries to withdraw with six months notice, the
> >current draft of the MAI  would lock signatories into the agreement with  a
> >20 year withdrawal period.  As Mr. Blaikie said in his application for an
> >emergency debate,  this =91would offend the centuries-old principle of
> >>parliamentary government that no Government or Parliament may tie the hand=
> s
> >of a future Parliament. Under the terms of the draft agreement, no   future
> >government would be able to withdraw from the agreement within the life
> >span of a single Parliament, even if a democratically elected majority of
> >this House expressed the will to do so.=92
> >
> >Mr. Blaikie=92s statement continued: =91We do not, like the Americans, have=
>  a
> >system of government where the Executive must seek leave from Congress to
> >negotiate treaties without first consulting as to the terms of the treaties
> >- that is, the so-called fast track procedure.  We do, however, have the
> >Standing Orders and a parliamentary culture that allow the Members of
> >Parliament to seek an emergency debate on a burning issue when   the
> >Government for its own reasons fails to consult the Commons.=92
> >
> >Mr. Blaikie hoped that the Speaker would grant the opportunity for a debate
> >that the Canadian public deserve but which the Liberals refuse to hold.
> >
> > -30-
> >
> >Egalement disponible en fran=E7ais.
> >

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