There was a blue moon last night
and today the Washington Post ran
an op-ed critical of free trade.  The
column nicely encapsulates the left's



Tied to The Fast Track

                         By John Cavanagh and Sarah Anderson

                         Wednesday, September 24, 1997; Page A21
                         The Washington Post 

                         Just as the Clinton administration is
                         launching a battle to expand the North
                         American Free Trade Agreement, The Post (in a
                         Sept. 12 editorial) has lined up solidly with
                         the free trade camp by drawing misleading
                         conclusions about the growing opposition to
                         the administration's proposals.

                         The emerging fight is not about whether there
                         should be more trade and investment in the
                         world; both sides acknowledge that trade and
                         investment can play positive roles. The
                         debate is whether, in a world of rich and
                         poor nations, the rules governing trade
                         should include strong protections for worker
                         rights and the environment in all nations.
                         The administration, the Fortune 500 and The
                         Post say no. The AFL-CIO, most environmental
                         and other citizen groups -- often called
                         "fair traders" -- along with the majority of
                         Americans, say yes.

                         The Post's position is based on four

                         1. Fair traders, in The Post's words, "want
                         to impose U.S.-style labor standards on
                         foreign workers." No, fair traders are
                         explicit in proposing that the labor
                         standards that should go into trade
                         agreements be drawn from the conventions of
                         the International Labor Organization,
                         conventions that U.S. corporations, labor
                         representatives, and the U.S. government
                         helped craft with counterparts from around
                         the world. Practically all nations agree in
                         principle that there should be no child or
                         forced labor and that workers ought to be
                         allowed to form unions and bargain
                         collectively and strike. Yet, it is the
                         flagrant violation of these international
                         standards in Mexico, Indonesia, China and
                         elsewhere that allows U.S. firms to bargain
                         down wages and working standards here. Fair
                         traders correctly argue that these
                         international rights should be folded into
                         trade agreements.

                         2. The economies most open to trade and
                         investment grow fastest and best address
                         their people's needs. Wrong. The most
                         successful economies in the world in recent
                         decades have been the so-called "tiger"
                         economies of Asia that were quite closed to
                         trade and investment at their early stages of
                         growth. After World War II, South Korea and
                         Taiwan focused on fundamental land reform
                         that helped narrow income disparities and
                         create a domestic market for the new goods
                         these nations produced. When the economies
                         later opened up more to the global economy,
                         the benefits of trade and investment were
                         shared more broadly. The problem among most
                         nations today is that rapidly opening up to
                         trade and investment can create new
                         opportunities for better-off workers while
                         creating new downward wage pressure for

                         New training and education can help some, but
                         even Silicon Valley computer programmers are
                         being replaced by Indian software technicians
                         in Bangalore who do the same work for much
                         less, and the best-trained aerospace workers
                         in Seattle are watching Boeing shift their
                         jobs to China.

                         3. A third of U.S. growth and many
                         high-paying jobs are due to trade. The
                         administration and The Post invariably talk
                         about only one side of the trade picture:
                         rising U.S. exports. They conveniently ignore
                         the fact that U.S. imports from Mexico and
                         the rest of the world have been growing much
                         faster than U.S. exports and that many of
                         these imports are in auto parts, automobiles,
                         textiles and other products that were
                         previously produced here. Since the onset of
                         NAFTA, U.S. trade with Mexico has shifted
                         from a small surplus to a large deficit.
                         Hundreds of thousands of workers have lost
                         jobs from the shifting production and rising
                         imports. These lost jobs, like export jobs,
                         pay better than the average.

                         4. Stronger labor language in trade
                         agreements "wouldn't erase the competitive
                         advantage that poor countries enjoy in labor
                         costs." This may be true for the poorest
                         countries such as Haiti and Bangladesh, but
                         little of the new competition comes from
                         these countries. In the "big emerging
                         markets" such as Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia,
                         Malaysia, and China -- the favored investment
                         sites of General Motors, General Electric and
                         other large firms -- modern infrastructures
                         permit the production of the same goods with
                         similar levels of productivity to those
                         enjoyed in the United States. Yet, because
                         fundamental worker rights and environmental
                         standards are routinely violated, firms can
                         pay wages that are a fraction of those in the
                         United States.

                         We live at a vital moment when governments
                         are setting new rules for engagement in the
                         global economy. In a world of rich and poor
                         nations with vastly different standards, new
                         rules are vitally needed to ensure that
                         globe-trotting firms don't use their ability
                         to exploit the forests, minerals and workers
                         of other nations to bargain down U.S. working
                         and environmental conditions. The current
                         debate over expanding NAFTA offers the
                         opportunity to set rules that offer workers,
                         communities and the environment the same
                         rights to prosper in the global economy as
                         they offer corporations.

                         John Cavanagh is co-director and Sarah
                         Anderson is a fellow at the Institute for
                         Policy Studies. 

                              c Copyright 1997 The Washington Post
Max B. Sawicky            Economic Policy Institute
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