Maggie and all,

Please, please, please -- whoa.  I didn't mean to start a conflagration
here.  My intent was simply to suggest that we -- myself included --
sometimes don't pay enough attention to what has already been written.  I
have a great deal of respect for all your postings and look forward to
meeting you and others in Chicago in January, or those who are there.  I
confess, however, that I have always been a bit out of step with terms like
pomo.  I do not disagree with what you say below, and certainly have no
truck with those who dismiss arguments from any quarter.  The old ad
hominum approach.  As far as Ivory Tower -- ask anyone on my campus where I
stand on those sorts of things.  I'm currently _very_ active in the union,
both on a campus and statewide level.  I'm an ex-Teamster.  I've also been
a commercial fisherman for 5 years as captain of a 75-foot trawler, working
out of Oregon.

However, I also am bothered by the fact that I seem to have been labeled
guilty from the start.  That may be a function of the fact that I don't
have a lot of time to post on the PEN-L list and so tend not to have my
views known.  I hope this helps clarify -- I really don't want to start
anything here.

Larry Shute

Thanks for your message at 10:08 PM 9/19/97 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Your
message was:
>Larry; I no where suggest that some marxists have not written on ideas that
>are considered pomo today.  However, regardless of the excellent work
>produced by some marxists--the actuality of left movements in the USA has
>been to pit those who see demographic issues of race and gender as primary
>against those who see class as primary.  This is unfortunate.  And, I truly
>feel that the work of one or two academic men incorporating issues of
>diversity (EVEN women's liberation, oh my) does not do enough to examine the
>realities of class, gender, and race in the USA--regardless of how good that
>work is.  It seems to me that this antagonism has been continued by those who
>label themselves as marxist by continuing to dismiss the work of current
>writers, almost all labelled as pomo, as either irrelevant or having been
>done before.  It's a very ivory tower attitude for academics who profess to
>trying to build mass movements.  maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 97-09-18 14:32:18 EDT, you write:
>>Maggie and all,
>>At Columbia University, from the 1930's until his death in the late 1950's
>>(1958?), the Marxist sociologist and anthropologist Bernard J. Stern -- who
>>gave the journal "Science and Society" its name -- taught graduate courses
>>in Social Class.  Perhaps also at the New School, where he also taught..
>>He always carefully and explicitly pointed out that _within_ different
>>social classes, there were different _strata_.  He spent a great deal of
>>time examining the differences in their thinking, etc.  In some respects,
>>pomo may have been simply "thinking things up rather than looking them up"
>>-- the absence of training in the history of ideas.  Some of his work was
>>later collected in a volume titled _Historical Sociology_ (I think, the
>>book is at home).  Stern had all his books banned from State Dept.
>>Libraries overseas by McCarthy, etc.  Stern was also a supporter of womens'
>>rights, and wrote a piece on the position of women in historical society
>>for the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences.  In that piece, he clearly
>>points out many gender and class differences, etc. 
>>Larry Shute
>>Thanks for your message at 06:00 PM 9/17/97 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Your
>>message was:
>>>In a message dated 97-09-17 12:12:02 EDT, you write:
>>>>So the task for non-rigid Marxians and other socialists is to
>>>>take the insights of postmodernism (about language, about the construction
>>>>of subjects) and move beyond them - to devise a non-vulgar
>>>>and to rethink class as the fully complex thing it is. Post-Sokal
>>>>exuberance is no excuse to think the old verities have now been
>>>>self-evidently restored.
>>>I've often thought that pomo has significant insights--the problem being
>>>finding the insights amongst the dreck.  One thing pomo has done, well in a
>>>few cases, and poorly in many, is to begin describing the contradictions
>>>within classes and groupings, rather than seeing classes as the proverbial
>>>black boxes--once tagged, acting exactly the same all the time.  Mao's
>>>leadership genius in China (NOT to suggest that Mao was a pomo) was his
>>>interweaving of Marxism with Chinese culture and the existing class
>>>with all its contradictions--not the layering of theoretically pre-defined
>>>classes on existing cultural structures. In looking at the United States
>>>the place I have the most knowledge of), I think the value of some pomo
>>>research has been to gather raw data on inner-class divisions which can be
>>>used to strengthen class analysis so that it actually reflects the culture
>>>the United States. To grow functioning resistance movements, and combat the
>>>deep divisions within communities, it is really necessary to understand how
>>>class, race, ethnicity, and gender interact.
>>>maggie coleman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>>From: Laurence Shute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [PEN-L:12445] Re: POMO on Social Classes
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