
Apparently the original post of this document did not come
over so well ... so am reposting it  ... hopefully in better
readable form.

Note: Since the original posting, the Premier of NSW has
announced that a "judicial inquiry" will investigate Ms
Arena's claims ... as another media commentator suggested
... "The judicial inquiry should complete the job"
(presumably on Ms Arena!)

Subject: Paedophile cover-up all the way to the top of
Aussie politics?

> From: The Australian Online home
> Arena alleges paedophile cover-up
> September 18:
>     Rebel New South Wales Labor MP Franca Arena last night
> accused the State's most powerful political and legal
> figures,
> including the Premier and Justice James Wood, of
> deliberately
> covering up the paedophile activities of politicians and
> judges. In an extraordinary speech in the State upper
> house, Ms Arena said the cover-up also involved Opposition
> Leader Peter Collins and senior ALP officials John Della
> Bosca
> and Terry Sheahan. She said they had secretly plotted to
> ensure Justice Wood's royal commission did not expose the
> paedophilia of "people in high places".
>     Ms Arena went on to make several more allegations,
> including a claim the commission's paedophile terms of
> reference had been watered down because a "famous lawyer
> from
> (Sydney's) western suburbs" had said: "If I go down, many
> others will go down with me."
>     She also claimed a NSW MP was a paedophile and used
> Parliament House as his "private red (light) district" and
> that other MPs and judges visited the Wall of a gay
> pick-up
> location in Sydney frequented by under-age boy
> prostitutes.
>     Mr Carr and Mr Collins immediately issued denials of
> any
> cover-up, with the Premier angrily describing the claims
> as
> "nutty" and a gross defamation of both himself and Justice
> Wood. Justice Wood, Mr Sheahan and Mr Della Bosca could
> not be
> reached for comment.
>     Ms Arena, a fierce and outspoken campaigner for
> children's
> rights and a persistent critic of Justice Wood, told
> Parliament Mr Carr and Mr Collins had gone into "damage
> control" in March 1996 after newspaper speculation that
> judges
> and politicians would be exposed by the royal commission.
>     She claimed a series of meeting were held, resulting
> in Mr
> Carr and Justice Wood agreeing to hide the activities of
> high-ranking paedophiles in the community interest. "I
> believe
> it was decided that it was too damaging for the whole
> community to have members of Parliament and judges
> exposed.
>     "I am bold enough to presume that an agreement was
> reached
> to ensure people in high places would not be named because
> it
> would be too traumatic for the community to realise how
> many
> of its so-called upstanding citizens were involved in
> criminal
> activity.
>     "The result is . . . we never heard of a single
> high-profile paedophile being named or exposed. The whole
> matter was swept under the carpet and the commission has
> failed the community."
>     Ms Arena said she expected to be "strongly criticised
> and
> marginalised" by the ALP for her comments. "But I know I
> will
> eventually be proven right," she said.
>     Ms Arena said protection of such high-ranking people
> would
> always prevail and gave a hypothetical example.
>     "Let's assume the President of the Parliament, one of
> our
> ministers, or another high-ranking officer of the
> Parliament
> leads a double life and is out there picking up young
> boys,"
> she said. "Do you really think he would be prosecuted? Do
> you
> think the powers that be would allow the institution of
> Parliament to be sullied publicly by him being charged? Of
> course not. If things became too hot he would be told to
> go or
> retire early."

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