If anyone has the address to which protests can be sent, please
        make it known to all of us on this list.

        Marianne Brun

On Sat, 14 Jun 1997, Michael Eisenscher wrote:

> Subject: Fwd: Stop press! Mumia Abu Jamal sentenced to die in 2 months time!
> ---------------------
> Forwarded message:
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anna Weekes)
> Date: 97-06-14 06:02:09 EDT
> Mumia Abu-Jamal's death warrant has been signed! He is sentenced to die at
> 10pm on the 17th of August 1997. Mumia, who has been on Death Row for 15
> years, had his execution stayed two years ago. Now Pennsylvania Governor,
> Tom Ridge, has said that he will die on the same day as his execution would
> have taken place two years ago.
> Please comrades, let's get a campaign going quickly on this one! Let's stop
> the fascist American government from murdering this writer and freedom
> fighter!
> P.S. I realise that many of you will know this already. If anyone out there
> has an e-mail address where we can lodge our protests once more, please
> send it to me! Thanks! 

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