Recently Karl wrote:

KARL: Robert there is no such political philosophy as
marxism-leninism. However there is a political philosophy called
Leninism of which Stalnism and Trotskyism are varieties. Leninism is
clearly not a form of marxism. At most it is a form of marxist
revisionism that has succeeded in twisting marxism into forms that
suits its ends. Now Leninism may be validly described as a form of
religion but hardly marxism.

COMMENT: This sounds like some ideological Alice-in-Wonderland discourse
that upstages Shawgi Tell's Marxist-Leninists by far. At the very least
there have been groups for some time in Canada and elsewhere that have
called themselves Marxist-Leninists and whatever one may think of it
they have a political philosophyy and a political party through  which the
disseminate their views. The term Marxism-Leninism was also  used commonly
in the USSR as a term to describe the offical political philosophhy. In fact I
used a text written by a group of authors and edited by Dutt that was entitled
FUNDAMENTALS OF MARXISSM-LENISM. Maoists who thought that theUSSR oriented
communist party was not marxist-leninist often spoke of
marxism-leninism-mao-tse-tung thought; ironically when they ran as a party they
 ran as COMMUNIST PARTY( Marxist-Leninist). I am not sure whether the
group Shawgi is involved with are offspring of this tendency or not.
As for Leninism clearly not being a form of Marxism, I pass. No doubt bad
Christians aren't really Christians either. Karl must have some echt Marxism
in mind.
   Cheers, Ken Hanly

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